Manage Space Access Settings (Whitelists)

Register users who are allowed access to your private space.


If you do not set Space Access Settings

If you don't set any Space Access Settings, users can access the space under the following conditions:

Public Spaces All users can access the space.
Private Spaces Users with visitor or higher roles in the user list They can access the space.
Users with guest role in the user list, or has no access history to the space. They cannot access the space.
* If the intercom is enabled in the space, they may be able to access it temporarily via the intercom.

* Users on the blacklist cannot access the space.


Users who need to be added to Space Access Settings

Depending on the roles you want to grant to the target users, you may or may not need to set Space Access Settings.

Admin No need to add to Space Access Settings. Any admins in the user list will have access regardless of Space Access Settings .
member They need to be added to Space Access Settings.
Visitors They need to be added to Space Access Settings.
guest No need to add to Space Access Settings. They can access only to meeting rooms via the room invite link.


Items that can be added to Space Access Settings

Email address You can specify users by email domains or email addresses.
SSO You can specify users using SAML authentication, etc. This is only available when you allow access as a member.
Space Password

You can set a unique password for the space and allow access to users who enter the matching password when accessing the space.

*The password you set here will only be required for users who are not added to  the user list (or who are added as guests). If they are already members or visitors, they can access the space without being prompted for a password. 

*ovice Go does not support space password. When using this feature, please instruct users to complete their first access via the desktop app or browser version. Once the password entry is completed and they are granted member or visitor role, they will be able to access the space from ovice Go from the second time onwards.

IP address You can specify the environments that are permitted to access using global IP addresses.


When a user accesses a space, their access is determined based on Accessibility list.


Check the Settings

1. Click the three dots in the space header and select the "Space" tab.
*If you are not an organization owner, there is no need to select a tab.


2. Space settings → "Space Access Settings"

3. Open the screen for each role

To manage visitor permissions: Operate each item in "Visitor Whitelist Rules "

To manage member permissions: Operate each item in "Member Whitelist Rules "


Email Account Authentication

1. Click "Email Account Authentication"

2. Click "Add" and select the operation method to add

Screenshot 2024-10-04 PM 0.46.42 Copy.png

Add by manual input

When you enter an email address and press the Enter key, the input value will have a background color. You can save this in this state.
Screenshot 2024-10-04 PM0.20.48.png
*You can register multiple email addresses at once by separating them with "," or line breaks.
*You can also copy and paste from a spreadsheet software.

Add bulk as CSV file If you select a CSV containing email addresses and domains locally, it will be reflected on the add ovice screen.

3. Check the contents and click "Save"

  • You can register up to 10,000 email addresses and domains in total.


SSO Authentication

1. Click on "Email Account Authentication" for member

2. Open the "SSO" tab

3. In "Activate SSO Suthentication", check the authentication method you want to allow access to.

Screenshot 2023-11-02 at 1.14.10 PM.png

4. Click "Save"

  • Please refer to  SSO authentication  for instructions on how to set up each SSO .
  • Users who use the allowed authentication method will have access as members.


Password Authentication

1. Click "Password Authentication"

2. Click the "Add" button next to "Set password"

3. Enter your password (twice) and a note

4. Click "Save"

  • If multiple passeords are set, they will be judged using OR.
  • It can be set from just one character, and there are no restrictions on symbols or number of characters.
  • Please inform the space user of the password.


IP Address Authentication

1. Click "IP Address Authentication"

2. Click the "Add" button next to "IP Address Authentication."

3. Enter the IP address and press Enter.

*You can enter all addresses at once by copying and pasting from a spreadsheet.
*You can also specify the range using CIDR notation.

4. Click "Save"


Deleting registered information

email address Delete Individually Click the trash button for each item.
Delete all registrations

Click the Delete button and select "Delete All."

Screenshot 2024-10-04 PM0.46.42.png

Deletion using CSV file

Click the "Delete" button and select " Delete bulk as CSV file."

Screenshot 2024-10-04 PM0.46.42.png

Of the addresses and domains contained in the CSV, only data that matches registrations with ovice will be extracted, so check the contents and click "Delete".

SSO Uncheck any SSO authentication you have activated.
Space Password Click the trash button for each item.
IP address Click the trash button for each item.



Download CSV file

Download the " Email account authentication " information for each member and visitor as a CSV file.

On each screen, click "Export as CSV" > "Export".

Screenshot 2024-10-04 PM 0.46.42 Copy 2.png

The following email will be sent to the email address of the user who performed the operation.

Subject: Access Permission (○○) is exported
Sent from:



  • If you are using a hierarchical structure and would like to copy Space Access Settings details to other floors, please refer to Copying Access Restrictions on Other Floors.
  • Email domain, email address, and SSO are evaluated using OR conditions.

  • The password and IP address are evaluated using AND conditions with other Space Access Settings.

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