Settings Space Description

Set the space description (summary). This description will be displayed at the entrance to the space and when you open the space menu (top left of the screen).


How to Operate

1. Click the three bars on the left of the menu bar and select the "Space" tab.
*If you are not the organization owner, there is no need to select a tab.


2. Space Settings → Space Settings → Click the edit button in "Space Description"

スクリーンショット 2025-01-06 午後0.59.21.png

3. Enter a description and click "Save"

4. Check that the change is reflected on the space menu screen or at the space entrance.

スクリーンショット 2025-01-06 午後1.01.40.png



  • Please enter 255 characters or less.
  • If the changes are not reflected, try reloading your web browser or clearing your cache.

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