The credit card payment screen is not displayed

If you have applied or changed your plan but the credit card payment screen does not appear or you have closed the screen, please check the steps below.


Checking Pending Billing Information

1.  Open the "Billing Information" on the "Plans and Billing" screen

Screenshot 2024-08-23 7.33.28am.png

2. Check your open invoices in "Invoice History" at the bottom of the screen

Items marked as "Unprocessed" are pending billing information. Clicking on the date of the billing will open the credit card entry screen.

Screenshot 2024-08-23 AM7.39.50.png



  • If you have never applied for a paid plan in the past, the "Billing Information" button will not be displayed. This button will be displayed once you started applying for a paid plan. (It doesn't matter if the payment has been completed or not)

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