Edit/Delete Space Objects

Edit and delete space objects that have already been set up.


Permissions available for operation

This can be operated by any of the following users:


Open the settings screen

1. Click the three dots in the space header and select the "Space" tab.
*If you are not an organization owner, there is no need to select a tab.


2. Customize space → Click the "Add/Edit Static Tools" button

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Checking Space Objects

The objects that have been created are displayed on the right side of the screen.

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① Minimize/Maximize Minimize or maximize the right-hand menu.
② Search You can search for partial matches of object names (or room names).
③ Sorting You can switch between creation date, alphabetical order, ascending order, and descending order.


Space Object Information/Position Change

When you select the object you want to edit from the customization screen or from the list on the right side of the screen, the editing screen will be displayed. For details on each item, see below.
Setting up Space Objects

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Be sure to click "Save" once you've made your changes.

If you click on another object or anywhere on the customization screen without saving, a confirmation dialog will be displayed. If you want to save and finish editing, click "Save & Proceed".

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Temporarily hide objects that you are not using from the space. To switch between hiding them, click one of the "Show/Hide" or "Show" buttons displayed on the settings screen.

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To display hidden space objects on the customization screen, select "All" or "Inactive" in Show Space Objects.
Space Customization Common Settings



Click one of the trash can buttons that appear on the settings screen. Once an object is deleted, it cannot be restored.

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Manipulating Multiple Objects

1. Select multiple objects and rooms using one of the following methods:

▼Select from the list ▼Drag the customization screen
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2. Take action as necessary

Move Drag with the mouse.

You can operate it using the icons displayed on the customization screen.

(From the left: "Show," "Hide," and "Delete")

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Any changes you make will be saved automatically.



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