Moving Between Spaces

Specify a space domain to access or move between spaces.


Verify Space Domain

A unique string that identifies a space. This corresponds to the ◯◯ part of the space URL (○○).
Space domains are set by the admin of each space, so if you are unsure, please contact them.
Configuring a space domain

*The space URL for the Free plan is different from the above, so please check the space domain here


Access by specifying space domain

Please see below for how to specify the space domain in the lobby (screen before accessing the space). Log in and access your account  as a visitor


Movement by specifying space domain

Move from the space you are currently accessing to another space.

1. Click the space name on the left side of the menu bar

Screenshot 2024-01-30 AM 9.01.57 2.png

2. Enter the destination space domain and click "Move to Space"Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 7.39.16 PM.png


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