Added Krisp Ambient Sound Cancellation
The surrounding sound cancellation feature provided by Krisp is now available on ovice. It can cancel surrounding sounds as well as echoes and ambient sounds, making conversations more comfortable in environments with people around, such as offices.
What is Krisp?
This function works properly when using a headset. For devices that have been confirmed to work by Krisp, please see the Krisp support page .
Improved Reaction Function UI
The reaction menu and reaction bubble size have been enlarged to improve visibility.
Added Shortcut to Create New Group
Organization owners or users with permission groups assigned to the group management screen can now create new groups to be used as mention destinations from the space chat screen.
Organization User Management (Groups)
Mention Chat
Added New URL Button Display Settings
You can now choose whether or not to display the "Go to login screen for new URL" button in the upper right corner of the login screen for the old URL for each space
Improved Seat Reservation Socket Function
You can now narrow down your search for seats on the seat schedule confirmation screen.
Seat Reservation Socket (Schedule Management)
The seat reservation socket function is being offered as a beta test. If you would like to use it, please contact us using the form below.
Inquiry Form
Additions and Changes to Public API
The following APIs have been newly added:
- Displaying notifications to organization users
- Displaying notifications to an organization group
- Displaying notifications to space users
The format of the request body has been changed for the following APIs so that multiple users can be specified.
- Display offline users by specifying X, Y coordinates
- Showing Offline Users on Space Objects
For details, see the following:
Public API Overview
Added APIs