April 19, 2023 Window Socket Feature and More UI Updates

Added 4 preset images to the virtual background options:

You can now select ovice original background images as default virtual backgrounds. As before, you can add up to 5 background images of your choice.
camera settings



Indication of users within range of a window socket:

Users within range of window sockets are now semi-transparent in the object screen.
Distributing a windows socket object



Change of link destination of privacy policy and terms of use:

The URL of each document displayed at the space entrance when changing the terms etc. has been changed to the URL of the ovice official website.


Tooltip design change for space objects/addition of default text:

Object information can now be checked by placing the cursor on a space object (excluding window sockets and images) and clicking the displayed information mark. Also line breaks and links in object descriptions are now displayed.

If there is no description setting, the text corresponding to each object is now displayed in the tooltip.
Using space objects



Added message about virtual background settings:

An notification message is now displayed when a virtual background has been successfully deleted, or when it fails.


Improved reaction button display on some smartphone devices:

On some terminals where the reaction button is not displayed normally, the reaction button is now displayed in two lines.


Device name display change in camera/audio settings

Adjusted so that the device name does not overlap with the arrow button when the device name is long.



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