
What is Insights

A tool that visualizes user activity in a space. You can analyze the data and use it to make  effective use of the space  and  establish usage.


Available on Plans:

  • Team
  • Business


Permissions required for use:

Organizational insights Organization Owners & Permission Groups
Space insights Admins & Permission Groups


Access to Insights

Organizational Insights

Analyze all spaces associated with your organization simultaneously on a single insight screen.

Who can access it?

  • Organization Owners
  • Permission Groups

1. Click the three dots in the space header and select the "Organization" tab.


2. Click "Insights"

3. Select a screen from the tabs on the top right


Space Insights

Analyze your current space.

1. Click the three dots in the space header and select the "Space" tab.
*If you are not an organization owner, there is no need to select a tab.


2. Click "Insights"

3. Select a screen from the tabs on the top right


Displayed Users

"Table View" > "User List" Displays only organization users who have been registered in the organization within the past six months. Visitors and guests are not included.
Other Aggregates all users who have accessed the space within the past six months, regardless of their role.



Data Point Details

Item Content CSV file column name
Name User list: User display name
Space list: Space name
user_name, workspace_name
Email User's email address email
Unique Users Number of active users who accessed the space
*Active users refer to users who were online on that day.
Speak Count Number of times the waveform is generated when speaking
*If you speak for more than 0.3 seconds, a waveform will be generated again and counted
*If you speak while connected to a megaphone or object, it will also be counted
*When you speak once, regardless of whether or not the other party responds, it will be counted
*Meeting Conversations in the room are also counted
Move Count Number of times you moved your avatar move_count
Approach Count Number of times someone called out
to you *The number of times another avatar turns on their microphone and comes within range of your voice after your avatar has not moved for one minute
Room Count Number of moves to room (including silent room) room_count
Chat Count Number of chats sent (including mention chats) chat_count
Reaction Count Number of times you reacted reaction_count
Tap Count Number of shoulder pats tap_count
Call Count Number of times called call_count
Staying Hour Time spent in the space
*Time spent away from the space is not counted.
Speak Hour Time spent speaking
*Even if you speak while connected to a megaphone or object, it will be counted
*Each time you speak will be counted, regardless of whether the other person responds or not
*Conversation in the conference room will also be counted
Meeting Room Hour Time spent in the room (excluding silent rooms) meeting_room_hour
Group Object Hour Connection time to objects (excluding screen sharing objects)
*Counts both space objects and quick objects
Screenshare Hour Time spent screen sharing screenshare_hour
Megaphone Hour Megaphone usage time megaphone_hour


Chart Type

Table View

Check each activity achievement in table view. If the user is accessing as a guest, each time they access, they will be identified as a different user and their achievements will be displayed separately.

User list Shows activity results for each user.
Space list Shows activity achievements by space.



The number of times of each activity is displayed as a bar graph by day, week, month  and year .  This graph allows you to analyze activity trends.

Activity The number of utterances, the number of conversation approaches, and the number of chats are displayed.
Speak The number of utterances is displayed.
Move Displays the number of moves.
Approach The conversation approach count is displayed.
Meeting Room The number of times the room has been used is displayed.
Chat Shows the number of chats.
Reaction The number of reactions is displayed.



Each user is displayed in a scatter plot with a combination of two types of activity. This graph allows you to analyze user agency and passivity. You can also check details such as the user name by hovering over each point in the graph.

Speak Count x Move Count It can be used for user subjectivity analysis.
Speak Count x Approach Count Can be used for user passivity analysis.
Staying Hour x Speak Count Can be used for user passivity analysis.
Staying Hour x Approach Count It can be used for user subjectivity analysis.



The number of active users is displayed in a bar graph for each day, week, month  , and  year. This graph allows you to analyze trends in the number of users.

View Type Contents CSV file column name
Active Users Displays the number of active users.
Average Spent Hour Displays the average amount of time users spend in your space.
Calculation method: Time spent by active users (total) ÷ ​​Number of active users
Active Users / Registered Users Trend Displays the percentage of users who have accessed the space among the users who have registered accounts in the space (member privileges or higher).
Calculation method: Number of active users with member privileges or higher ÷ Number of registered users
Active Users / Space Capacity Trend Displays the percentage of users actually accessing the space compared to the maximum number of people using the space at the same time.
Calculation method: Number of active users ÷ Maximum number of simultaneous users


How Data is Filtered

Filter each graph.

Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 10.28.09 PM.png

*In engagement, you can operate by clicking the filter button on the upper right of each scatterplot.

Space If there are multiple spaces, specify any space.
Auth Specify user rights.
  • administrator
  • member
  • Visitor
  • The guests
About permissions
Date Range Specify a set period or a specific period from the calendar. The period that can be viewed is up to the past six months.
User Specifies a specific username.
*Cannot be specified for activities.

If there are multiple buildings (hierarchical structure), specify the building.
* Only the table view "Space list" can be selected.

"Apply" button Reflects the contents of filtering in the data.


Export Data (Business Plan Only)

Click on the three dots on the Insights screen and select "Download CSV file".

*If there is no target data, it cannot be exported. Readjust the filtering and export with the data.

Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 10.11.21 PM.png



Some users are not displayed in the table view user list

This list shows all users who have ever visited. Users who do not see any achievements have not accessed during the period. Make sure you are not filtering by date or user rights.


Can I see who has spoken with whom?

This cannot be confirmed. The results displayed in the table view user list show the amount of activity of the corresponding user.


When is the data reflected/updated?

Timing has not been announced. You can check yesterday's data from the next day onwards.


The same person is aggregated differently in user list in table view

If you access with a different account, even the same person will be aggregated and displayed as a different user.

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