User Counter

For user-based pricing plans, check the trend in the number of users relative to the number of contracted users.


Eligible plans

  • Team
  • Business


Confirmation method

1. Click the three dots in the upper left corner of the screen and select the "Organization" tab in the main menu.
The Organization tab can only be accessed by organization owners.
Managing organization owners


2. Click "Plans and Billing"

3. Click the "User Counter" tab

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Each item of the total billable users

Organization The organization name  is displayed.
Org ID The organization ID  is displayed.
Contract Users The number of accounts added to the usage plan.
Business Plan
Team Plan
Current Users The number of users actually using the service in your organization.
Organization User Management
Visitor Tickets The number of the Visitor Tickets available for the current month.
Average users The average number of users for the previous month is updated on the 1st of each month.
Average number of users = total number of users in a month ÷ number of days in the month


User Counter Visualization

Check the number of contracted users and the average number of billable users for each month. You can change the displayed month from the past 3 months to the past 12 months.

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