Once an ovice account has been registered, the email address cannot be changed to another email address. If you have a new email address, please create a new ovice account.
Create a New ovice User Account
Things to note when creating a new account
1. Personal Settings
You will need to set up your personal settings, including your profile, again.
Personal Settings
2. Check the space's access permissions and privileges
If necessary, contact the space's administrator and request changes to the access permissions and privileges for your new email address.
Manage Space Access Settings (Whitelists)
Manage Users (User List)
3. Add to organization owner or group
If necessary, contact the organization owner and ask them to add your new account to the organization owner or groups.
Add to organization owner
Add to organization group
4. Dealing with your old account
Ask the organization owner to delete your old account from the organization users (subject to charges).
Delete organization users
If you want to delete your old account itself, please refer to:
Delete an ovice Account