When logging in with SAML authentication, a "SAML authentication error" message appears

Possible Cause

The entity ID or IdP x509 certificate is not set correctly


Error message displayed

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 4.03.51 pm.png
"SAML authentication error: There is an error in the SAML authentication registration details for ovice. Please check the access permission settings as a space administrator."


If error details are displayed

The error screen may show details such as "Invalid Settings: ◯◯". Depending on the content, please check your SAML settings.

Invalid Settings: Invalid_EntityID There is an error in the entity ID set to ovice.
Invalid settings: invalid_certificate There is an error in the IdP x509 certificate set to ovice.

Paste everything exactly as it is, from the first hyphen to the last hyphen.
*Do not remove any hyphens or add spaces or line breaks.
Screenshot 2023-11-21 at 10.28.09 am.png

Invalid Settings : Invalid_SAML_signing_option There is an error in the settings made to the IDP.
If the IDP you are using has a "SAML signature element" item, changing it to Assertion may resolve the issue.


If no error details are displayed

Please check each item in the table above.


Other articles related to SAML authentication errors


If not resolved

Please contact our technical support with the following information:

  • Name of the service used for SAML authentication
  • Error screen
  • Login screen URL

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