User Without Access Permission Entering the Space

If a user who should not have access is able to enter the space, please verify the following points:

Points to Review

  1. User Listed as Organization Owner

    If the person is an Organization Owner, they have admin role access across all spaces in the organization. To restrict this access, remove them from the Organization Owner role.

  2. User Listed as Admin

    When a user is assigned the "Admini" role on the user list, they have unrestricted access regardless of Space Access Settings or Blacklist settings. To restrict access, change their role to "Guest."

  3. Reference from Other Floor Access Restrictions

    Check if your space uses Permission Inheritance, as the user may have access permissions there.

  4. Use of Intercom (Access Request Feature)

    The user might be accessing the space temporarily through the intercom function. If you notice unintended intercom use, consider adjusting permissions or disabling the feature in settings.

  5. Not on the BlackList

    If you are using Blacklist to restrict access, the user might be logging in from an email or IP not on the list. For example, if the individual accesses without logging in, email block settings do not apply.

For Further Assistance

If the issue is unresolved, please have the space administrator contact us with:

  • Description of the issue
  • The email or display name of the user
  • User log ID
  • Domain of the space
  • ovice access method (desktop app or web browser)
    • Desktop app: version (how to check)
    • Web browser: name and version

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