Room Host Role

The host of the meeting room can switch the spotlight display, allowing the meeting to proceed smoothly.

Automatic host assignment

Users with the following privileges will automatically become hosts when they enter a meeting room:

  • Admins
  • The first member who enters the meeting room before any admins (this host privilege will not be granted to the second or subsequent members)

*Users who participate in the meeting with ovice Go cannot become hosts.

Host Role

Host privileges allow you to do the following:

Verifying the host You can check this in the gallery or in Room Participants list. The host will see "host.jpg" or "host.jpg". 
Add Host

Follow the steps below to add a host.

1. Open Room Participants list
2. Click on the three dots for any user
3. Select "Add host"
4. Select "Yes, add host" in the confirmation dialog

*There is no difference in role or function between being automatically assigned as a host and being added.
*Visitors, guests, and users joining via ovice Go cannot be added as hosts.
*Even if all hosts leave the room, the host role will not be automatically assigned to another user.

Remove Host

Follow the steps below to delete a host.

1. Open Room Participants list
2. Click on the three dots for any user
3. Select "Cancel host"
4. Select "Remove host" in the confirmation dialog

*You cannot remove yourself as a host.

*Even if the host leaves or enters the meeting room during the meeting, the host's authority will not be removed. When re-entering the room, the host will enter as the host. (When everyone leaves the room, the meeting will be considered over and the host authority will be removed.)

When the host is absent

The host will be unavailable in the following situations:

  • Meetings with only visitors or guests
  • Meetings where all hosts have left

Even if the host is absent, you can use the meeting room functions other than Spotlight.


If the first user to enter the room is a visitor or guest, the next admin or member to enter the room will become the host.

*Users who joined the meeting on ovice Go cannot be the host.

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